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- NCAA2001 Update # 19 (4/3) "Final Thoughts..." [Wrap-Up Issue]
- NCAA2001 Final Standings (4/2) "Bingo and Jayhawk FC Sneak In" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 18 (4/2) "Three-Point Disparity"
- NCAA2001 AP Recap (4/2) "Mission accomplished: Duke, Battier crowned champs" [Archive]
- NCAA2001 Final Results (4/2) "Duke Takes It" [TXT | PDF]
- NCAA2001 Update # 17 (4/1) "7-Year Itch: Our Modest Little Pool" [History]
- NCAA2001 Possibilities # 6 (Final) (3/31) "Four to Battle Final Two Spots" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 9 (3/31) "Team Samurai Wins It!" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 16 (3/31) "Same Beginning, Different Endings"
- NCAA2001 Results # 9 (3/31) "Michigan St. Will Not Repeat" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 15 (3/30) "Moment of Truth" [Final Four Preview]
- NCAA2001 Update # 14 (3/28) "Predictor Island" [Best Predictors]
- NCAA2001 Update # 13 (3/26) "A New Winner as Early as Saturday" [Final Four Possibilities]
- NCAA2001 Final Four Report (3/25) "What If?"
- NCAA2001 Possibilities # 5 (3/25) "A Normal Dozen Left" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 8 (3/25) "Bingo and Peeps Go 4-for-4" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 12 (3/25) "Five Fouls and You're Out"
- NCAA2001 Results # 8 (3/25) "Michigan St. Makes it 3 in a Row" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Possibilities # 4 (3/24) "A Near Bingo!" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 7 (3/24) "Nickname Regains Lead" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 11 (3/24) "Like a Tree, Stanford Falls"
- NCAA2001 Results # 7 (3/24) "Maryland in for First Time" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Possibilities # 3 (3/23) "Less Than Half are Alive" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 6 (3/23) "Kim Takes Control" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 10 (3/23) "Owls Howl to Elite 8"
- NCAA2001 Results # 6 (3/23) "All Four #1 Seeds Advance" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Possibilities # 2 (3/22) "Eleven More Dreams Dashed" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 5 (3/22) "Still a Wide Open Race" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 9 (3/22) "USC Survivors; UCLA Executed"
- NCAA2001 Results # 5 (3/22) "2 of 3 Pac-10 Teams Advance" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 8 (3/20) "Odds are on Kim's Side" [Possibilities]
- NCAA2001 Update # 7 (3/19) "Nickname's a Nickname" [Nickname Issue]
- NCAA2001 Possibilities # 1 (3/18) "32,768 Ways to Money" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 4 (3/18) "53 Still Alive" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 6 (3/18) "Defense, a Steal, and a Run"
- NCAA2001 Results # 4 (3/18) "Cinderellas in the South" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 3 (3/17) "Kim Vaults Into Tie For First" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 5 (3/17) "BC Can't Add"
- NCAA2001 Results # 3 (3/17) "Pac-10 Goes 3-0" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 2 (3/16) "Nickname Shares the Lead" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 4 (3/16) "Wild Afternoon, Calm Evening"
- NCAA2001 Results # 2 (3/16) "Midwest Holds Steady" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Standings # 1 (3/15) "Lil PQ off to Amazing Start" [TXT]
- NCAA2001 Update # 3 (3/15) "Hampton In(n)!"
- NCAA2001 Results # 1 (3/15) "West in Shambles" [TXT]
Choice Distribution List (3/15) "Odds are on Duke or Stanford" [TXT] Choice Listing (Everyone's Picks) (3/15) "From Alstar to Zerv the Greek"
NCAA2001 Update # 2 (3/14) "NW State is the First" NCAA2001 Update # 1 (3/12) "The Field of 65?" Bracket revealed 3/11 [ CNNSI | ESPN | Fox | Nando-AP | Sportsline | SportingNews | USAToday ]
NCAA2001 Update # 0 (DF) (3/12) "Draw, Pardner!"
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