2nd Quadrennial HWCI FIFA Women's World Cup Soccer Tournament Pool
[ HWCI World Cup Pool ]

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Tournament Results - June 29, 2019 [ RR: 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 | 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 | 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 ]
[ KO:
22- 23 - 24 - 25 | 27 - 28 - 29 | July: 2 - 3 | 7 ]

Round of 16   Quarterfinals
Match 1 Norway   5 - 2 Australia Quarterfinal 1 Norway 0 - 3 England
22-Jun-19 Normal Time   1 - 1         27-Jun-19 Normal Time   0 - 3    
12:00 Extra Time   0 - 0         12:00 Extra Time     -      
Nice Penalty Shoot Out   4 - 1         Le Havre Penalty Shoot Out     -      
Match 2 Germany   3 - 0 Nigeria       Quarterfinal 2 France   0 - 2   United States
22-Jun-19 Normal Time   3 - 0         28-Jun-19 Normal Time   0 - 2    
8:30 Extra Time     -           12:00 Extra Time     -      
Grenoble Penalty Shoot Out     -           Paris Penalty Shoot Out     -      
Match 3 England   3 - 0 Cameroon       Quarterfinal 3 Italy   0 - 2   Netherlands
23-Jun-19 Normal Time   3 - 0         29-Jun-19 Normal Time   0 - 2    
8:30 Extra Time     -           6:00 Extra Time     -      
Valenciennes Penalty Shoot Out     -           Valenciennes Penalty Shoot Out     -      
Match 4 France   2 - 1 Brazil       Quarterfinal 4 Germany   1 - 2   Sweden
23-Jun-19 Normal Time   1 - 1         29-Jun-19 Normal Time   1 - 2    
12:00 Extra Time   1 - 0         9:30 Extra Time     -      
Le Havre Penalty Shoot Out     -           Rennes Penalty Shoot Out     -      
Match 5 Spain   1 - 2 United States     Semifinals
24-Jun-19 Normal Time   1 - 2                        
9:00 Extra Time     -           Semifinal 1 England     -     United States
Reims Penalty Shoot Out     -           2-Jul-19 Normal Time     -      
                    12:00 Extra Time     -      
Match 6 Sweden   1 - 0 Canada       Lyon Penalty Shoot Out     -      
24-Jun-19 Normal Time   1 - 0                        
12:00 Extra Time     -           Semifinal 2 Netherlands     -     Sweden
Paris Penalty Shoot Out     -           3-Jul-19 Normal Time     -      
                    12:00 Extra Time     -      
Match 7 Italy   2 - 0 China PR       Lyon Penalty Shoot Out     -      
25-Jun-19 Normal Time   2 - 0                        
9:00 Extra Time     -         3rd Place
Montpellier Penalty Shoot Out     -                          
                    Third Place Match Loser of Semifinal 1     -     Loser of Semifinal 2
Match 8 Netherlands   2 - 1 Japan       6-Jul-19 Normal Time     -      
25-Jun-19 Normal Time   2 - 1         08:00 Extra Time     -      
12:00 Extra Time     -           Nice Penalty Shoot Out     -      
Rennes Penalty Shoot Out     -                          
            Winner of Semifinal 1   -   Winner of Semifinal 2              
7-Jul-19           Normal Time   -                  
08:00           Extra Time   -                  
Lyon           Penalty Shoot Out   -                  

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