Thursday, March 21, 2013 (delayed to Friday) Issue # 3.1.1 "Who Goofed? I've Got to Know" [ Home | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Updates ]
TYSON'S CORNER, VA / AA FLIGHT # 263 IAD-LAX (smt)- The NCAA selection committee gave the Pac-12, supposedly a major conference, no respect despite picking five teams as just about every team was seeded worse than people thought. #12 seeds to MW-Oregon and W-Cal? Despite not being able to hit key free throws, the Ducks and Bears gladly contributed to the #12/#5 lore while #6E-Arizona held off darkhorse #11E-Belmont. Meanwhile, #14E-Harvard picked up its first ever NCAA tournament victory stunning #3E-New Mexico, a trendy pick to do well in the tourney. On the flip side, #4E-Syracuse (+47), #5S-VCU (+46), and #1MW-Louisville (+31) all won by 30+ points. #3E-Marquette pulled off an incredible comeback despite Davidson hitting 6 of its last 7 free throws while #6MW-Memphis held off a furious rally.
Seeing #1 Kentucky in the NIT get knocked off in the first round, #16W-Southern U. was hoping to become the first #16 seed to knock off a #1 seed but the #1W-Zags held their composure after being tied with 3 minutes left to win. #3MW-Michigan St, #6E-Butler, #9W-Wichita St, #4MW-St Louis, #4S-Michigan, and #8MW-Colorado St all picked up relatively easy victories.
Unofficially, as I finally try to catch up after a long week-long trip to Pax
River, MD, we have 131 entries which is great because that means there will once
again be a 6th place prize. Sadly, this is the first time in 10 years that
the number of entries failed to increase though if we look at all the Apple
fanboys/girls who insisted on using Mac OS and failed to send a screenshot/copy
of their bracket (thanks to those who did! Sorry for the inconvenience),
we were looking to get at least a half dozen more. People were ready to
throw their iMacs out the window (which would've been cool) and cursing the
bracket, Apple, and us! Love the passion.
With just four upsets, most did well but Macie's Mom got an incredible 15 of 16 correct (30 pts), including 1 of 3 to pick the Crimson (only missed Colorado St). Like Davidson, Sisyphus69 dominated for the first 13 games, winning every one before losing 2 of the last 3 including his pick to win it all, New Mexico. Of course, with a possible point total of 159 (of 196) he is by no means out of the competition (yet). OneandDone went 7-9 (everyone else got at least 9 correct) and before you think this was a kid doing it like CanUBeatA6YrOld (98th-Tied, 20) (who did lose champ Montana), KobeIsEpic1 (30th-T, 24) or out defending champ Quinnsanity (67th-T, 24), this person has a solid Elite 8 -- just went too crazy with early upsets.
Of the 131 entries, no team was picked to win it all by more than 33. The clear favorites were Indiana (33) and Louisville (32) but three others received 10 picks (Kansas, Duke, Gonzaga) and 12 others received votes. As one evidence of how wide open the bracket is this year, no team received more than half the votes to even reach the Final which is very unusual (the best: 63 think Louisville will make the Final, 68 do not).
We are now on Twitter (@HWCI_Pools). As I did for our HWCI Euro Soccer Pool when it debuted, I will post using #hwcincaa mini-updates during the day so you can follow without being on Twitter (and if you are, please use #hwcincaa). Please join our Facebook HWCI NCAA Pool Group or post comments on our blog.
PAYMENT: If you haven't done so yet... You can mail your entry fee (email me for snail mail) or give your $10 (per entry) to someone who will give the money to David or Scott. We are accepting PayPal (check or PayPal funds only) to "hwci<at>" or credit card PayPal payments to "smt0222<at>" (but the entry fee is $10.61 (61 cents in PayPal fees... damn them!)). Now, you can send money via your smartphone and pay no fees! Use Discover Money Messenger (your Discover app) or Chase Person-to-Person QuickPay (your Chase app) and send your $10 (per entry) to "hwci<at>" -- just make sure you put your NAME and NICKNAME in the notes section.
Tids & Bits -
If you've forgotten who picked, you can look at anyone's bracket here. or see everyone's pick in a list style here.. The Atlantic 10 went 3-0 (4-0 including First Four) while on the other end, the MWC lost its first 3 and is 1-3... a lot of teams are picking up their first ever wins since we started this pool including Colorado St ('89) and Harvard (1st)... only 2 entries lost their champ (both mentioned above).... Four teams got no love (#16W-James Madison, #16-SWestern Kentucky, #15MW-Albany, and #16MW-NC A&T... Chris C (Saaweeet Bracket (98th-T, 20) really tested the limits of a nickname using unsupported characters <, ", and \; but it was so cool: ~x—x”< G8tr which mimics two gators... "Who Goofed, I've Got to Know" was a classic Howard Cossell clip the late great Jim Healy used to play on his radio show...
Why couldn't Harvard win last year?...