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Tuesday, March 26, 2002 Issue # 13.4.4 "Nobody Does It Better..." http://www.HWCI.com/ncaa
EL SEGUNDO, CA (smt)- The 8th Annual HWCI NCAA Tournament Pool posted its second largest increase in entries ever and set a new record with 80, topping last year's record-shattering 59. Seventy-one (71) people submitted the 80 entries, with 42 of those past participants. We hope the 28 new participants are enjoying the pool, win or lose, and will be back next year. Eighteen (18) people have participated in at least three previous years. A record 9 people have entered at least twice (Robinson with 3 entries).
Below is a list of names (we do not protect the innocent... well, ok, last names are omitted) to nicknames so that you can see who you've been battling with the past couple of weeks and make fun of those who picked Indiana to beat Duke and reach the Final Four (ha ha- what, you say they're still playing?).
In terms of nicknames, NOBODY (who was NICKNAME last year), failed to get the required five non-referrals (if no one referred you, you were supposed to write in "nobody" but only a few people did) but again is the most original generic nickname. Another gem was Troy's two entries: TABBY and YBBAT. CLAY HENRY, COOKIE KWAN, and FRANK GRIMES take TV references to another level. Team pride failed to boost BOW'S (Hawaii), DIE WITH GATORS, or ZONAMASTER's chances while BIG RED still can ride Oklahoma to money. Some good variations of his/her names (KIMBA, HENDO, BINGO, LITTLE ANN, CHENMAN, STRUMMER, THE NOTORIOUS RBC) and eck, boring nicknames (DARA, CMT, MHK, MATSUURA).
There were aliterations (PINEAPPLE PRINCESS, POPO'S PICKS, FREE FABONE) and rhymes (BUCKEYE MIKE, BIX PIX, KNACK ATTACK). Some cool sounds (ARPS, SSLUK, KRAZ) and some disturbing images (CHICKEN ADOBO, CORNDOG, MECONIUM (I had to look this one up- I'm sorry I did)). Some hopefuls (YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT, THE BELIEVERS- both still alive to win money), truth tellers (RANDOM PICKS, WHAT LUCK) and far-fetched story tellers (PINKOCEAN (in cartoon land, maybe), PACK 10 RULES (with a "k"?), WILDCAT PRIDE (didn't pick KY or AZ to go far..hmmm)). Mixed results for PACK 10 RULES, UCLA SUCKS, PAC10 SUCKS, and GO PAC10. There's THE TERMINATOR and THE FABON8ER, the free entries (FREE BIX PIX, FREE FABONE, FREE JINX), and the ultimate losers, THE DUKE and SHOCKING HEATER 99, who didn't pay their entry fee and were axed.
So now that you know who's who, flame away in our discussion board (also read some origins of some of these nicknames there). For another take on nicknames, read John Casey's annual best/worst list on our discussion board.
#. FIRST L.- NICKNAME --------------------- 01.Darryn B.- Big Luther 02.Catrina B.- Yudanja 03.Ann B.- Little Ann 04.Michael B.- Buckeye Mike 05.Ken B.- Die with Gators 06.Kimberly B.- Kimba 07.Troy B.- Tabby 08.Troy B.- Ybbat 09.Fernando B.- Bix Pix 10.Fernando B.- Free Bix Pix 11.John C.- Jinx 12.John C.- Free Jinx 13.Robinson C.- Team Samurai II 14.Robinson C.- Flip Fighters 15.Robinson C.- The Notorious RBC 16.Mark C.- Chicken Adobo 17.Patrick C.- Pattoman 18.Timothy C.- Go Warriors 19.Dara C.- Dara 20.Jeff C.- Chenman 21.Craig E.- BOW'S 22.Andy F.- Frank Grimes 23.Duke F.- Dukkie 24.Lisa F.- Cookie Kwan 25.Bing F.- Bingo 26.Bing F.- Bazie 27.David F.- The Mighty Mobelfakta 28.Chris F.- Big Red 29.Sergio G.- The Duke(*) 30.JD G.- Arps 31.Lily G.- Meconium 32.Bob G.- Pack 10 Rules 33.Marty G.- Terminator 34.Jeff H.- Random Picks 35.Dan H.- Hendo 36.Yasmin J.- Netflower 37.Jon J.- What Luck 38.Keith J.- Pac10 Sucks 39.Marc K.- MHK 40.Tina K.- Go PAC10 41.Alvin K.- You Better Believe It 42.John K.- John Bruin 43.Leonard K.- UCLA Sucks 44.Barry K.- Madpro 45.Barry K.- Madpro #2 46.Michael K.- Kraz 47.Bar L.- Indy 48.Jeff L.- Jayemelle 49.Gareth M.- Splasher 50.Jason M.- Matsuura One 51.Jason M.- Matsuura Two 52.Sean M.- Corndog 53.Nikki N.- Bluestars1996 54.Paul N.- Kaizen 55.Vi N.- Pineapple Princess 56.Marsha N.- Wildcat Pride 57.Patricia N.- The Believers 58.Sam N.- Bern is da Bomb 59.Nelson P.- Source 60.Eric P.- Zonamaster 61.Van P.- Pinkocean 62.Jake P.- Clay Henry 63.Dylan R.- Bob Dylan 64.Brent R.- Hawk 65.Armando S.- Mad1 66.Jay S.- Ten 67.Dan S.- Nobody 68.Brian S.- FlyingElvi 69.Steven S.- SSluk 70.Beth S.- Strumer 71.April T.- Popo Picks 72.Clifford T.- CMT One 73.Clifford T.- CMT Two 74.Linh T.- PSW 75.Scott T.- The Fabon8er 76.Scott T.- Free Fabone 77.Gabriel T.- Gobay 78.Justin T.- Shocking Heater 99(*) 79.Man V.- Yellow Monkey 80.Roy W.- Wantabe 81.Byron W.- Knack Attack 82.Brian Z.- Zippy(*)-Gabriel and Justin were removed from pool due to lack of payment of entry fee.
Only person not to change nicknames: Dave F., 8 years as THE MM...
Scott HW
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