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Thursday, March 14, 2002 Issue # 0.0.0C "Annual best/worst nicknames..." http://www.HWCI.com/ncaa
(from the musings of John Casey 3/14/02)
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It's time for my annual opening day distraction -- judge the nicknames! (This is the NCAA pool equivalent of rating the dresses on Oscar night. Except that I'm not Joan Rivers.) Read on to see how you did...
Bob Dylan -- hands down, this has to be the best nickname this year. It's great to see Bob getting props -- unless the person who picked this name was doing it to MOCK him, in which case I hope that you set a record for lowest score this year. Don't mess with Bob.
Clay Henry -- a close second in the race for best name. Anyone who thinks those Subway ads suck get high marks in my book. Jared is the devil.
Cookie Kwan -- is this a cereal for figure skaters or something? I don't get it...but it sounds kind of tasty. Mmmm...figure skaters. (Oh wait, it's not a sport...I shouldn't like it.)
Dukkie -- I wouldn't have even noticed this nickname except that they picked MARYLAND to win the whole thing. Ummm....what?
FlyingElvi -- still a classic name, although Elvis STILL sucks. If anyone can explain to me why that guy was EVER a big deal, drop me an e-mail. Seriously.
Free Jinx -- sounds like a damn protest movement or something. I can see college kids handing out flyers at rock concerts and writing term papers in history class about how "The Man" screwed over Jinx because he was threatening the system...
Go PAC10 -- you get a mention because I like your politics.
Jinx -- yeah, it's a stupid nickname, but at least I earned it in real life...
Netflower -- for some reason, based on this nickname alone, I just picture a smokin' hot girl. Drop me a line, willya baby? I can make you feel like a winner even if your picks don't come through, if you know what I mean...
Nobody -- probably related to previously mysterious names like "Nickname" and "Eponymous." Damn cool choice.
Pac10 Sucks -- no, they don't. Next.
Pack10 Rules -- yes, they do. But it's spelled "Pac-10." You do get points for having your heart in the right place. Probably a USC graduate...
Pineapple Princess -- AWESOME name. AND she's brave enough to pick Oregon as the eventual champ. You rule.
Random Picks -- you get lots of points for truth in advertising. On a semi-related note, I would have had my picks done earlier this year, but since I was really drunk, I kept missing the damn dartboard. Hopefully my landlord won't be mad.
Ssluk -- I have no idea what it means, but saying it out loud makes me feel dirty.
Tabby/Ybbat -- Like matter and antimatter, if Tabby and Ybbat ever meet, it could mean the end of the universe. And how funny would it be if they finished tied in this pool?
The Duke -- unless you're royalty, you too are guilty of being a fairweather fan -- yet ANOTHER Maryland pick! Did they spray mind-control gas at Cameron this year when Maryland came to town? Too weird...
You Better Believe It -- believe WHAT? Don't keep me in suspense...
And, for the absolute worst nickname two years in a row:
UCLA Sucks.
Don't stand under any trees if there is even one cloud in the sky, because the lightning is coming. 'Nuff said.
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