"Not-so-Deep thoughts" - by Fern (aka LE BIX) --------------------------------------------- Vol. 1, No. 12 30/June/1998 "The Queen is Dead" COSTA MESA, California - Not too happy that England lost. They were a good bunch, especially that Owen fella', he's got a bright future ahead of him. But I have to question Hoddle's tactics in the Overtime period. Yes, he was down a man, but England looked content with packing in the backfield and taking their chances with the penalty kicks. Under the circumstances, I can see why this was a good option; Argentina just could not break down that tall wall of defenders. Too bad for Seaman though, he was always highly regarded as the king of penalty kick stoppers. Now that happy days are here again, courtesy of Steve Sampson's departure, let's take a look at possible candidates for the vacancy that is the Head Coach of the United States National Soccer Team. Some of the more prominent names include (please forgive my spelling): Carlos Alberto Parreira - "former Brazilian coach, former NY-NJ Metrostars coach, former Saudi Arabia coach...former U.S. National Coach". Parreira has international experience, especially when he won the '94 World Cup, but his time has passed. If he were to be hired by Rothenberg, then he will quickly be out of a job and the headline above would be an absolute certainty. Did poorly with the Metrostars, but then again, it was the Metrostars. Unlikely candidate. Carlos Quiroz - former Portugal coach, former Metrostars coach, currently coaching Grampus Eight of the J-League, technical advisor for the U.S. National Team. Has been an up and coming coach for awhile now, but where is, or was, Portugal a good team at some point? Reportedly a good developer of young talent, has been quietly waiting on the U.S. soccer wings for a vacancy such as this one. It seems more like he was planted there for this reason. A very likely candidate. Bruce Arena - former University of Virginia coach, former Olympic Team coach, current coach of D.C. United. Has won numerous collegiates championships with UVa, coached Claudio Reyna and John Harkes, and has won two MLS Championship Cups in as many games. What does this add up to? Jack-S**t. This is another Sampson in the making. A coach with internationl experience is needed and Rothenberg would be foolish to consider hiring him. Arena has been wise in the past by refusing the position; he should continue to do so. A very bad choice if it was ever made. Fernando Bustamante - former coach of AYSO Team, Bad to the Bone (record 2-7-1), former soccer player, good head for the game. Hey, at this point, I'm as good a choice as any other. We will just have to wait and see what the higher-ups of U.S. soccer decide to do. In any case, they will not hire another American. Sampson is a prime example of an American coach's limitations. We need a coach with international experience and somebody who knows the international game and someone who can gain the respect of the players. -fb