"Not-so-Deep thoughts" - by Fern (aka LE BIX) + comment --------------------------------------------- Vol. 1, No. 4 15/June/98 U.S. v. Germany 1st half impressions SOMEWHERE IN HELL, Orange County - Well, it's good that I'm typing this out during halftime, about 40 minutes after the goal. If I was typing immediately after the goal, the words would look like THIS!@!*%#^&*@#!!!. But now that I've calmed down a bit, I can analyze our team's and most importantly, some of the player's first half performance(s). Mike Burns - No matter how much more experienced our team has become, no matter that we have one of Germany's top 25 players, our team cannot be a "team" if it continues to have players such as Mike Burns. I cannot sympathize for Burns or any no-name for their inexperience or skill. More on this later as the second half will be underway soon. -fb- Comment # 1 by NO KORNIKOVA FOR RONALDO! ---------------------------------------- Today we clearly saw just how bad Mike Burns is! We also clearly saw why Thomas Dooley NEVER played for the German Nat'l team. Any good defender knows that you either get the ball or the man - but to miss both?! That's unacceptable! The U.S. can go join the Reggae Boyz at the bar. Scott L.