Friday, May 22, 1998 WC98 Update # 1.0.1 1998 HWCI WORLD CUP POOL ======================== Hello, Welcome to the first-ever HWCI World Cup pool. After the success of our four HWCI NCAA Tournament pools, a new tradition is now at hand. The 1998 World Cup will take place in France from June 10 through July 12. You will choose the winners of the 48 round-robin games, the 16 teams who will advance to the Round of 16 and the winners of each match after that- 80 choices in all. A World Cup schedule with dates and Round of 16 bracket can be found on FIFA's official website at Rules on how to enter are on the next page. A list of everyone's picks and updated standings will soon be found on our website at The official launch of will take place on June 1st. There will be an Excel spreadsheet you can download to keep track of the round robin games. Here is a quick look at the pool: WHAT: FIRST HWCI WORLD CUP SOCCER BETTING POOL FEE: $10.00 per entry (collected with entry) DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. PDT on Tuesday, June 9, 1998 (if by mail, then postmarked by Tuesday night) WHO: Anyone with ten bucks! Invite friends! No more than three entries per person. SOC STAT: Brazil is the defending World Cup champion. PRIZES: All money from fees will go into pot; tentatively, 1st place will get 57% of the pot, 2nd place 26%, and 3rd place 17%. If a sufficient number of entries are received, then a 4th place may be added. Winners will be determined by points, not correct number of games (see Points section). "BRIAN If you somehow manage to pick all 48 losers (i.e., no winners) in CLAUSE": the round robin, then you will get your $10 refunded out of pity. POINTS: 48 Round Robin picks= 1 point each (ties & losses are 0 pts) 16 Round of 16 picks= 3 points each 8 Quarterfinal picks= 5 points each 4 Semifinal picks= 7 points each 2 Final picks= 9 points each 1 World Cup champ pick= 14 points ----------------------------------------------------- Total possible points= 196 (same as NCAA pool) CONTACT: Scott M Tamashiro (, 714-522-6729) David Feng (, 562-947-3259) Fernando Bustamante (, 562-947-1349) Scott M Tamashiro Pool Administrator ----- HOW TO ENTER ============ You will make 81 choices in this pool- all before the first match is played! You will pick the 48 winners of the round robin matches, the 16 teams who will advance to the Round of 16, the 8 teams who will make it to the Quarterfinals, the 4 teams who will make it to the Semifinals, the 2 teams in the Final Match, the winner of the 3rd place match, the 1998 World Cup champion, and a tiebreaker total goals prediction. Here is what we will need from you: NAME: Your full name EMAIL/PHONE #: Your email address (preferred) or your phone number. if you win we need a way to contact you! Also, there will be a periodic email update every other day or so. NICKNAME: Something short, something sweet.. be forewarned- if you don't choose a nickname we will choose one for you! (Now to your picks.) GROUP A (6): List the six winners in order of group play (see next page) (if you want to be safe, list the game number then winner; e.g., "1-Brazil, 2-Norway, 17-Scotland, 18-Brazil, 34- Morocco, 35-Brazil" instead of "BRA, NOR, SCO, BRA, MOR, BRA" which is fine to do, if you have got them in the right order) GROUP B (6): Same as above GROUP C (6): Same as above GROUP D (6): Same as above GROUP E (6): Same as above GROUP F (6): Same as above GROUP G (6): Same as above GROUP H (6): Same as above Round of 16 (16): List the 16 teams advancing into the Round of 16 (top 2 teams in each Group) Quarterfinalists (8): List the 8 teams who will reach the Quarterfinals (2 each from Groups A/B, Groups C/D, Groups E/F, Groups G/H) Semifinalists (4): List the 4 teams who will reach the Semifinals (2 each from Groups A/B/C/D and Groups E/F/G/H) Finalists (2): List the 2 teams who will play for the World Cup title (1 each from Groups A/B/C/D and Groups E/F/G/H) Tiebreaker I- Total Goals: In case of a tie in points, predict the total number of goals scored in BOTH the 3rd place and Final matches (NOT including penalty kick tiebreaker goal (e.g., in the 1994 World Cup Final match, no goals were scored, even though Brazil won on penalty kicks 1-0). You can pick in 1/2 goal increments (i.e., 4.5 goals). The tiebreaker is just "closest to", so if one person guesses 3.5 goals and another 4.5 goals and the actual total is 4 goals, then there is a tie and we go on to Tiebreaker II... Tiebreaker II- Third place (1): Pick the group the third place winner will come from (choose four groups, in order of your preference- e.g., "Groups E/A/C/D" -or- "Groups G/B/H/F"). In case of a tie, the first choice groups will be compared to see if the 3rd place winner came from that group, if there is still a tie, then we will go on to the 2nd choice group, etc. If there is still a tie, and money is involved, the tied players will share the total winnings (e.g., if 1st=$50, 2nd=$30, and 3rd=$15, and two people tie for 1st, then they will share $50+$30=$80, so $40 each) THE SCHEDULE AND BRACKET NAME: ________________________________ ======================== E-MAIL/PHONE #: ______________________ NICKNAME: ____________________________ You can circle the winners here if you have a hardcopy of this sheet; otherwise, email the winners for each group in the order shown. Fill in the bracket below if you have a hardcopy- don't forget the tiebreakers: total goals and 3rd place winner (which four groups?). GROUP A ------- Brazil (BRA) Scotland (SCO) Morocco (MOR) Norway (NOR) Round Robin Games 1- BRA - SCO 2- MOR - NOR 17- SCO - NOR 18- BRA - MOR 34- SCO - MOR 35- BRA - NOR GROUP B ------- Italy (ITA) Chile (CHI) Cameroon (CMR) Austria (AUT) Round Robin Games 3- CMR - AUT 4- ITA - CHI 19- CHI - AUT 20- ITA - CMR 33- ITA - AUT 36- CHI - CMR GROUP C ------- France (FRA) South Africa (RSA) Saudi Arabia (KSA) Denmark (DEN) Round Robin Games 5- KSA - DEN 6- FRA - RSA 21- FRA - KSA 22- RSA - DEN 38- FRA -DEN 40- RSA -KSA GROUP D ------- Spain (ESP) Nigeria (NGA) Paraguay (PAR) Bulgaria (BGR) Round Robin Games 7- PAR - BGR 10- ESP - NGA 23- NGA - BGR 24- ESP -PAR 37- ESP -BGR 39- NGA -PAR GROUP E ------- Netherlands (HOL) Belgium (BEL) South Korea (KOR) Mexico (MEX) Round Robin Games 8- HOL - BEL 9- KOR -MEX 25- HOL - KOR 26- BEL -MEX 41- BEL -KOR 42- HOL - MEX GROUP F ------- Germany (GER) United States (USA) Yugoslavia (YUG) Iran (IRN) Round Robin Games 12- YUG - IRN 14 - GER - USA 29- GER - YUG 30- USA - IRN 43- GER - IRN 44- USA -YUG GROUP G ------- Romania (ROM) Colombia (COL) England (ENG) Tunisia (TUN) Round Robin Games 15- ROM - COL 16- ENG - TUN 31- COL - TUN 32- ROM -ENG 45- ROM - TUN 46- COL -ENG GROUP H ------- Argentina (ARG) Japan (JPN) Jamaica (JAM) Croatia (HRV) Round Robin Games 11- JAM -HRV 13- ARG - JPN 27- JPN - HRV 28- ARG -JAM 47- JPN - JAM 48- ARG - HRV ROUND OF 16 QTRFINALS SEMIS FINAL WC98 CHAMP ----------- --------- ----- ----- ---------- 1ST GROUP B_________ 2ND GROUP A_________\________ 1ST GROUP C_________ \______ 2ND GROUP D_________\_________\ \ 1ST GROUP F_________ \______ 2ND GROUP E_________\________ \ \ 1ST GROUP G_________ \________\ \ 2ND GROUP H_________\_________\ \ \_________ 1ST GROUP A_________ \ 2ND GROUP B_________\________ \ Total goals 1ST GROUP D_________ \______ \ (3rd/Final 2ND GROUP C_________\_________\ \ \ gms): ___ 1ST GROUP E_________ \__________\ 2ND GROUP F_________\________ \ 1ST GROUP H_________ \________\ _____________ 2ND GROUP G_________\_________\ 3rd Place Winner (Which four groups?)