After 8 games today

BIG HURT, SPITAKULARR, KRISPY SECONDS, and FLYIN’ HAWAIIAN are all tied for first with 42 pts (21-3 record).  9 are tied with 40 pts.  QUICKPICK MCGRAW (random picks) is last with 20 pts with YANKEEAGLE occupying # 100 of 101 entries with 24 pts.  39 picked Davidson’s upset, 17 picked Western Kentucky, and 3 picked San Diego (CROW2BUGS, XK2XBOILX, and BIGRED (not to be confused with BIG RED).

Unofficially Up

I’ve posted the unofficial standings and team & individual choice reports on Scott’s Update Page.  As soon as we sort out some items (DR FUN, MR F, payments), we’ll make it official.  If you don’t see your nickname on there, please let us (ncaa(at) know immediately.  If you haven’t paid yet, please make arrangements with us immediately.

Poor USC

Someone had to choke, and for UCLA fans, having USC lose and UCLA win must be a blessing.  I will have an update tomorrow morning if the internet works in the hotel (I’m losing this connection pretty soon…)….  If DR. FUN, MR F, or Meisha Collins mean anything to anyone, please contact ncaa(at) ASAP.

Unofficially, 11 are tied for 1st going 15-1 today.  SPITAKULARR & JUNO INO won their first 12 games before Arizona lost.

No Variation

Prelim analysis…  of the 99 semi-confirmed entries, 43 picked UCLA.  Only 7 teams were picked, which seems low — maybe I should’ve picked Duke instead of UCLA … nah.

Going to downtown Austin then to San Antonio (maybe).  Will miss watching a lot of the games, including the USC-Kansas St game (maybe I’ll catch the ending).   Tried to post using my cell phone and it wouldn’t let me in 🙁

Team # of players who chose team to
UCLA 43 21 20 9 5 1 0    
N CAROLINA 29 30 14 20 4 2 0    
KANSAS 7 11 37 34 9 1 0    
MEMPHIS 7 9 22 32 27 2 0    
TENNESSEE 7 8 5 44 24 10 1
TEXAS 4 5 29 31 27 3 0
GEORGETWN 1 4 27 31 21 14 1
TEXAS AM 1 0 0 0 0 61 37
DUKE 0 6 2 48 24 17 2
STANFORD 0 2 12 11 56 15 3
WISCONSIN 0 1 5 14 34 44 1
PITTSBURGH 0 1 3 17 45 30 3
BUTLER 0 1 0 4 5 68 21

If at least 1 of the 2 entries pans through, then we’ll have a 5th place prize… otherwise, we will have a top 4 (plus Bonus).

Deadline has passed

Now sorting through the entries begins… if everyone pays (and I think everyone is pretty much accounted for, even if we have to strongarm a couple of old-timers), we’ll have either 99, 100, or 101 entries (not including any that could come through the mail – which I don’t think I’ve received any in years).

Here in Austin, we get the stinkin’ Kansas game.  Why not Xavier-Georgia?  Well, I guess I’ll try March Madness on Demand…

Caught Up….

It’s 5 am here in Austin, and after only 1.5 hours sleep the past 48 hours, I’m bushed… and I still have to make my picks.  BTW, as an unstated policy, we’ll be posting David and my picks before 9 am PDT (which is 11 am here!).  Here is David’s:

We have either 87 or 88 entries so far which puts us back on pace as last year so we may not top 100 entries.  There’s still the chasing down the money part, but we should have a clear idea of the number of entries by Friday night.

Austin or Bust

After missing our 6:50 am flight by being early by 43 minutes (more on that later), we are finally in Austin in our hotel at 2 am in the morning.  Which means I’m about 50 entries behind… it’ll be a long night…. please be patient….

Mid-Week Status

Here’s a sneak peak in what the 40 entries have picked to win thus far (as you can see, no one has picked Cal State Fullerton yet):

2008 Choice Distribution Report
(# entries=40) 03/18/08

Team # of players who chose team to
UCLA 17 8 8 4 2 1 0    
N CAROLINA 12 11 7 7 3 0 0    
KANSAS 4 5 16 9 6 0 0    
TENNESSEE 3 3 2 19 10 2 1    
MEMPHIS 2 4 11 11 12 0 0
TEXAS 1 2 10 13 11 3 0
TEXAS AM 1 0 0 0 0 27 12

So far we’re ahead of the pace of last year but we shall see how many entries we get Wednesday (we got a record 58 last year).  Also, if we top 100 entries, we will likely add a 5th place prize, the first time we’ve added a top prize since we added a 4th place prize in 1998 (Year 4).  Of course, we take from the rich, so 1st/2nd/3rd/4th places will be a slightly lower % (but still a good payday).

Remember, if you need to make a small correction to your picks, email us (ncaa(at)… if you need to make bigger corrections, re-submit your bracket (call it YourNickname 2 or YourNickname-Update).

I’m off to Austin so hopefully all will be well.

Joost it Up


Hi Scott & David,

Might want to pass on to the pool, perhaps some people may not know
about this:

It will operate similarly to the CBS MMOD online feed I’m told, but it
uses P2P to help increase bandwidth so it will likely be a more
reliable connection & might not need to use a “VIP waiting room”.
(The latter is just a guess, but an educated one).  🙂



I’ll be flying out to Austin tomorrow morning so I’ll be out of internet range til 2 or 3 pm  CDT, but I’ll still be able to check my email on my phone… just replying will be tough since I’m not a texting expert yet.  But I should be online Wednesday night and Thursday morning (til tip-off, 11 CDT/9 PDT) and if you have any questions, you can gmail chat me at smt0222(at)

Also, please let David or I know if you are mailing a check (and for that matter, let us know you are paying your fee at all ;-))  as soon as possible.  The quicker we can confirm everyone’s paid up, the quicker we can get the pool info up (such as prize breakdown).

Always check this blog for the latest info. Also, you can see on the right side I have given a status on who’s paid and which brackets we haven’t got yet.  You can also see the nicknames, so you can discuss the ones you like/don’t like here.  I like a lot of the new nicknames so far and am afraid to ask where Beefmaster came from.  Remember, try not to use punctuation (e.g., $, &, ‘) in your nickname, if possible.  Also, there is a 21-character limit and no profanity (Fern).

Right now, there’s a discussion on how far UCLA will go.  Feel free to post other comments or brag how good your picks are on the discussion board.

We have 31 entries thus far, which is outpacing 2007’s record breaking year.

High RPI? Try CBI!

Never say die. As if 97 teams in some tournament isn’t enough, along comes the College Basketball Invitational (CBI) which allows 16 more teams (even some under .500) to continue playing well into March. So we have the 64-team NCAA tourney (ok, 65, geez, that’s such an odd number (no pun intended)), a 32-team NIT, and now a 16-team CBI. What’s next? The 8-team Who Cares tourney? Then the 4-team Semi-Good tourney followed by the 2-team Automatic Final tourney and the 1-team We are the Champs tourney?

Meanwhile, at midnight, we have a record 19 entries for a Sunday-Monday timeframe. Six are new entries and seven are online entries (those who found us on the web somehow… and trust us!). I expect the regulars to be hitting the entries around Wednesday morning.

Pouring in…

As of 6 pm Monday, we’ve had a record-breaking 16 entries for a Monday. We need just two more to be ahead of the 2005 pace when we 17 after Sunday & Monday. Every entry seems legit thus far with only two (both veterans – Wendy B. & Chris F.) yet to communicate how to get their fee in. And in a change of pace, five have actually PREPAID (!) their fee (maybe they want to make sure they don’t use it for gas money :-)). We’ve had two people enter three times (the max), which ties a record set last year (usually, just Robinson C. enters 3 picks).

Also, if you are using PayPal and want to do the credit card option, make sure you send the money to smt0222(at), not hwci(at) Only the former can accept credit card payments.