It’s Over!

David put the standings up within minutes of the final whistle as we congratulate the following:

1st Place =       $495.00   Lawrence M (Bizarro Larzby)
2nd Place =    $250.00    Wendy B (Buckeye23)
3rd Place =     $170.00    Adam C (AC)
4th Place =     $115.00     Ford R (Rainman)
5th Place =     $ 70.00      Mike B (Buckeye Mike)
Bonus Prize =$ 40.00     Kevin T (Shake N’ Bake)

A couple of late garbage baskets propelled Kevin T to win the $40 bonus, winning the 10-way battle.  The high scoring first half allowed Adam to rest easier as he easily won the tiebreaker with Ford and the extra $55 to boot.

It was not as fun at Vi’s (Little Miss Sunshine) home as she needed Michigan St. to win to hold onto 2nd place.  But it great to finally see a complete game (even though the Spartans didn’t play one) on TV, albeit in stretched 4:3 form.  I blame Vi’s mom for not getting HD (on the LCD TV) to the Spartan’s loss 🙂