Individual Possibilities

If anyone wants to know what exact possibilities they need to win money, please post your request here (you do not need to register to post, just state your nickname) or the discussion board

For example, though I’m lamenting my horrible picks :oops: , my wife still has a shot for first. Here are her possible winning outcomes…

| Possible Tournament Results |
|<--------- Final 8 --------->|
|<--Final 4-->|
Entry       Place          1st 2nd
------------------------------- -----          --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
PSW-SP   1             Tx UNC Kan UCL Lou Dav Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx Kan UNC UCL Lou Dav Mem Xav
PSW-SP   5*           Lou  Tx Kan UCL UNC Dav Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx Lou Kan UCL UNC Dav Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx Kan Lou UCL UNC Dav Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx UNC Dav UCL Lou Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1            Dav  Tx UNC UCL Lou Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx Dav UNC UCL Lou Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   3            Lou  Tx Dav UCL UNC Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx Lou Dav UCL UNC Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   3            Dav  Tx Lou UCL UNC Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   1             Tx Dav Lou UCL UNC Kan Mem Xav
PSW-SP   2             Tx UNC Kan Xav Lou Dav Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*            Tx Kan UNC Xav Lou Dav Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*            Tx Lou Kan Xav UNC Dav Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*            Tx Kan Lou Xav UNC Dav Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2             Tx UNC Dav Xav Lou Kan Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*           Dav  Tx UNC Xav Lou Kan Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*            Tx Dav UNC Xav Lou Kan Mem UCL
PSW-SP   4*           Lou  Tx Dav Xav UNC Kan Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*            Tx Lou Dav Xav UNC Kan Mem UCL
PSW-SP   4*           Dav  Tx Lou Xav UNC Kan Mem UCL
PSW-SP   2*            Tx Dav Lou Xav UNC Kan Mem UCL
* = subject to tie-break

And here is a link to the same file…

Blowout Friday?

Davidson and Texas seemed to cruise to victory… but how would I know? They had the stinkin’ Clippers game on 710 when it should’ve been the NCAA games. Davidson’s win eliminated XK2XBOILX (hopefully that’s the last time I have to type that) but Texas’ win eliminated 15 entries, leaving 51 vying for 5 money spots. LUSTIFULLY N LONDON was the only one to pick Davidson — and he has them in his Final Four! He now sits in a tie for 7th. Stanford’s loss also eliminated the Pac-10 from having a chance to be the winningest conference. No change at the top as 69 picked Texas.

UPDATE:  The Big 10 is also eliminated from being the winningest conference – it’s now between the Big East (11 wins) and the Big 12 (8 wins)… Chris B becomes the first of the 3 with 3 entries to lose all 3… with Memphis & Kansas demolishing their opponents at the half, six more will be eliminated…