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Possibilities for first place | Possibilities in the money |
Name | Number | Percent | Number | Percent |
The Gambler 2 | 5 | 62.50% | 8 | 100.00% |
Kds911 | 5 | 62.50% | 8 | 100.00% |
Carseroni | 2 | 25.00% | 5 | 62.50% |
Sisyphus66 | 2 | 25.00% | 2 | 25.00% |
ChuckPersonCellBlock | 1 | 12.50% | 5 | 62.50% |
Nwspring 2 | 0 | 0.00% | 4 | 50.00% |
WhereUGoneSteveFisher | 0 | 0.00% | 6 | 75.00% |
FortressHoops3 | 0 | 0.00% | 3 | 37.50% |
Samurai Jack | 0 | 0.00% | 2 | 25.00% |
BamaG | 0 | 0.00% | 3 | 37.50% |
Philly Eagles Again | 0 | 0.00% | 1 | 12.50% |
Agnes Schweitzhoffer | 0 | 0.00% | 1 | 12.50% |
Brett's Picks | 0 | 0.00% | 2 | 25.00% |
2019 HWCI NCAA Pool - Final Four Possibilities 03/31/19
If MICHIGAN ST beats VIRGINIA in the final, then the possible winners are...
The Gambler 2 Score:142 (tiebreak=135: 1st <=137, 2nd-T 138, 3rd >=139)
Kds911 Score:142 (tiebreak=140: 1st 138-140, 2nd <=137 or >=141)
Sisyphus66 Score:142 (tiebreak=141: 1st >=141, 2nd 139-140, 2nd-T 138, 3rd <=137)
WhereUGoneSteveFisher Score:138 (place 4 winner)
ChuckPersonCellBlock Score:135 (place 5 winner)
BamaG Score:133 (place 6 winner)
If VIRGINIA beats MICHIGAN ST in the final, then the possible winners are...
The Gambler 2 Score:154 (tiebreak=135: 1st <=137, 2nd >=138)
Kds911 Score:154 (tiebreak=140: 1st >=138, 2nd <=137)
WhereUGoneSteveFisher Score:150 (place 3 winner)
BamaG Score:145 (place 4 winner)
FortressHoops3 Score:142 (place 5 winner)
Samurai Jack Score:141 (place 6 winner)
If MICHIGAN ST beats AUBURN in the final, then the possible winners are...
The Gambler 2 Score:134 (tiebreak=135: 1st <=137, 2nd-T 138, 3rd >=139)
Kds911 Score:134 (tiebreak=140: 1st 138-140, 2nd <=137 or >=141)
Sisyphus66 Score:134 (tiebreak=141: 1st >=141, 2nd 139-140, 2nd-T 138, 3rd <=137)
Nwspring 2 Score:132 (place 4 winner)
Carseroni Score:131 (place 5 winner)
WhereUGoneSteveFisher Score:130 (place 6 winner)
If AUBURN beats MICHIGAN ST in the final, then the possible winners are...
The Gambler 2 Score:134 (tiebreak=135: 1st <=137, 2nd >=138)
Kds911 Score:134 (tiebreak=140: 1st >=138, 2nd <=137)
Nwspring 2 Score:132 (place 3 winner)
Carseroni Score:131 (place 4 winner)
WhereUGoneSteveFisher Score:130 (place 5 winner)
ChuckPersonCellBlock Score:127 (place 6 winner)
If TEXAS TECH beats VIRGINIA in the final, then the possible winners are...
ChuckPersonCellBlock Score:135 (place 1 winner)
The Gambler 2 Score:134 (tiebreak=135: 2nd <=137, 3rd >=138)
Kds911 Score:134 (tiebreak=140: 2nd >=138, 3rd <=137)
Carseroni Score:131 (place 4 winner)
WhereUGoneSteveFisher Score:130 (tiebreak=135: 5th <=147, 6th >=148)
FortressHoops3 Score:130 (tiebreak=160: 5th >=148, 6th <=147)
If VIRGINIA beats TEXAS TECH in the final, then the possible winners are...
The Gambler 2 Score:146 (tiebreak=135: 1st <=137, 2nd >=138)
Kds911 Score:146 (tiebreak=140: 1st >=138, 2nd <=137)
WhereUGoneSteveFisher Score:142 (tiebreak=135: 3rd <=147, 4th >=148)
FortressHoops3 Score:142 (tiebreak=160: 3rd >=148, 4th <=147)
Samurai Jack Score:141 (place 5 winner)
BamaG Score:137 (tiebreak=127: 6th <=128, 6th-T 129)
Philly Eagles Again Score:137 (tiebreak=131: 6th 130-134, 6th-T 129)
Agnes Schweitzhoffer Score:137 (tiebreak=138: 6th >=135)
If TEXAS TECH beats AUBURN in the final, then the possible winners are...
Carseroni Score:131 (place 1 winner)
ChuckPersonCellBlock Score:127 (place 2 winner)
The Gambler 2 Score:126 (tiebreak=135: 3rd <=137, 4th >=138)
Kds911 Score:126 (tiebreak=140: 3rd >=138, 4th <=137)
Nwspring 2 Score:124 (tiebreak=138: 5th <=146, 6th >=147)
Brett's Picks Score:124 (tiebreak=155: 5th >=147, 6th <=146)
If AUBURN beats TEXAS TECH in the final, then the possible winners are...
Carseroni Score:131 (place 1 winner)
ChuckPersonCellBlock Score:127 (place 2 winner)
The Gambler 2 Score:126 (tiebreak=135: 3rd <=137, 4th >=138)
Kds911 Score:126 (tiebreak=140: 3rd >=138, 4th <=137)
Nwspring 2 Score:124 (tiebreak=138: 5th <=146, 6th >=147)
Brett's Picks Score:124 (tiebreak=155: 5th >=147, 6th <=146)
1995-2019 HWCI Productions
HWCI circa 1990