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Games Through 03/26/17
Total Possibilities=8
for first place
in the money
Dboyz17 3 37.50% 8 100.00%
Russian Trolls 2 25.00% 3 37.50%
Jbwsaijo 1 12.50% 5 62.50%
GonzagaGirl 1 12.50% 5 62.50%
Parched Fatness 1 12.50% 4 50.00%
Dagny Taggart 0 0.00% 2 25.00%
Sisyphus86 0 0.00% 3 37.50%
MarchMindlessness 0 0.00% 7 87.50%
Agnes Schweitzhoffer 0 0.00% 5 62.50%
Alternative Picks 0 0.00% 5 62.50%
Flying Elvi 0 0.00% 3 37.50%
The Juggernaut 0 0.00% 2 25.00%
Spermicidal State 0 0.00% 2 25.00%
Dimes 0 0.00% 1 12.50%
EEChick1400 0 0.00% 1 12.50%
Larzby 0 0.00% 2 25.00%
Bigtenfan 0 0.00% 1 12.50%
Where's Oski 0 0.00% 2 25.00%
John Galt 0 0.00% 1 12.50%
ChasCroix1 0 0.00% 1 12.50%
Yogi 0 0.00% 1 12.50%

2017 NCAA Pool - Final Four Possibilities     03/26/17

If S CAROLINA beats OREGON in the final, then the possible winners are...
                  Russian Trolls Score:123 (place 1 winner)
                        Jbwsaijo Score:121 (place 2 winner)
                         Dboyz17 Score:120 (place 3 winner)
                   Dagny Taggart Score:118 (place 4 winner)
                          Larzby Score:117 (place 5 winner)
                      Sisyphus86 Score:116 (place 6 winner)
                    Where's Oski Score:115 (tiebreak=160; wins 7th if <=161)
            Agnes Schweitzhoffer Score:115 (tiebreak=163; wins 7th if 162-163, ties 7th if 164)
                     GonzagaGirl Score:115 (tiebreak=165; wins 7th if 165-167, ties 7th if 164)
               MarchMindlessness Score:115 (tiebreak=169; wins 7th if >=168)
If OREGON beats S CAROLINA in the final, then the possible winners are...
                  Russian Trolls Score:123 (place 1 winner)
                        Jbwsaijo Score:121 (place 2 winner)
                         Dboyz17 Score:120 (place 3 winner)
                   Dagny Taggart Score:118 (place 4 winner)
                          Larzby Score:117 (place 5 winner)
                      Sisyphus86 Score:116 (place 6 winner)
                    Where's Oski Score:115 (tiebreak=160; wins 7th if <=161)
            Agnes Schweitzhoffer Score:115 (tiebreak=163; wins 7th if 162-163, ties 7th if 164)
                     GonzagaGirl Score:115 (tiebreak=165; wins 7th if 165-167, ties 7th if 164)
               MarchMindlessness Score:115 (tiebreak=169; wins 7th if >=168)
If S CAROLINA beats N CAROLINA in the final, then the possible winners are...
                        Jbwsaijo Score:129 (place 1 winner)
                         Dboyz17 Score:128 (place 2 winner)
                      Sisyphus86 Score:124 (place 3 winner)
            Agnes Schweitzhoffer Score:123 (tiebreak=163; wins 4th if <=165, ties 4th if 166, 5th if >=167)
               MarchMindlessness Score:123 (tiebreak=169; wins 5th if <=165, ties 4th if 166, 4th if >=167)
               Alternative Picks Score:122 (place 6 winner)
flb                  Parched Fatness Score:121 (tiebreak=161)
                     Flying Elvi Score:121 (tiebreak=120)
If N CAROLINA beats S CAROLINA in the final, then the possible winners are...
                         Dboyz17 Score:140 (place 1 winner)
            Agnes Schweitzhoffer Score:135 (tiebreak=163; wins 2nd if <=165, ties 2nd if 166, 3rd if >=167)
               MarchMindlessness Score:135 (tiebreak=169; wins 3rd if <=165, ties 2nd if 166, 2nd if >=167)
               Alternative Picks Score:134 (place 4 winner)
                     Flying Elvi Score:133 (place 5 winner)
                  The Juggernaut Score:132 (place 6 winner)
                     EEChick1400 Score:130 (tiebreak=154; wins 7th if <=164)
                           Dimes Score:130 (tiebreak=175; wins 7th if >=165)
If GONZAGA beats OREGON in the final, then the possible winners are...
                     GonzagaGirl Score:135 (place 1 winner)
                 Parched Fatness Score:133 (place 2 winner)
               Spermicidal State Score:130 (place 3 winner)
                            Yogi Score:128 (tiebreak=127; wins 4th if <=129, ties 4th if 130, ties 5th if 131, 6th if >=132)
                         Dboyz17 Score:128 (tiebreak=133; wins 5th if <=129, ties 4th if 130, 4th if 131-133, ties 4th if 134, 5th if >=135)
                       Bigtenfan Score:128 (tiebreak=135; wins 6th if <=130, ties 5th if 131, 5th if 132-133, ties 4th if 134, 4th if >=135)
                       John Galt Score:125 (place 7 winner)
If OREGON beats GONZAGA in the final, then the possible winners are...
                         Dboyz17 Score:128 (place 1 winner)
                  Russian Trolls Score:123 (tiebreak=135; wins 2nd if <=149, ties 2nd if 150, 3rd if 151, ties 3rd if 152, 4th if >=153)
                     GonzagaGirl Score:123 (tiebreak=165; wins 3rd if <=149, ties 2nd if 150, 2nd if 151-166, ties 2nd if 167, 3rd if >=168)
               MarchMindlessness Score:123 (tiebreak=169; wins 4th if <=151, ties 3rd if 152, 3rd if 153-166, ties 2nd if 167, 2nd if >=168)
               Alternative Picks Score:122 (place 5 winner)
                        Jbwsaijo Score:121 (tiebreak=123; wins 6th if <=146, ties 6th if 147, 7th if >=148)
                 Parched Fatness Score:121 (tiebreak=161; wins 7th if <=146, ties 6th if 147, 6th if >=148)
If GONZAGA beats N CAROLINA in the final, then the possible winners are...
                 Parched Fatness Score:141 (place 1 winner)
               Spermicidal State Score:138 (place 2 winner)
                         Dboyz17 Score:136 (place 3 winner)
                     GonzagaGirl Score:135 (place 4 winner)
               MarchMindlessness Score:131 (place 5 winner)
               Alternative Picks Score:130 (place 6 winner)
                        Jbwsaijo Score:129 (place 7 winner)
If N CAROLINA beats GONZAGA in the final, then the possible winners are...
                         Dboyz17 Score:148 (place 1 winner)
               MarchMindlessness Score:143 (place 2 winner)
               Alternative Picks Score:142 (place 3 winner)
            Agnes Schweitzhoffer Score:135 (place 4 winner)
                     Flying Elvi Score:133 (place 5 winner)
                      ChasCroix1 Score:132 (tiebreak=132; wins 6th if <=150, 7th if >=151)
                  The Juggernaut Score:132 (tiebreak=169; wins 7th if <=150, 6th if >=151)

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