3/24/97, Issue # DF2 " L"
From: [email protected] (David D Feng)
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 23:25:05 PST
Subject: :-(
In case you're wondering, the reason I haven't been able to update the HWCI NCAA
Tournament Pool Page at http://www.themall.net/~hwci/ncaa is because, after
Saturday's tragic events concerning the UCLA men's basketball team, I've decided
to wield my power as co-pool administrator and cancel the pool. I will keep all
the entry money to help me cope with the traumatizing elimination of my Bruins.
If anyone has any problems with that, write to Scott.
Actually, the reason I haven't updated the page is because I just returned from
a mini-vacation. The reason the page STILL isn't updated is because there is
something screwy going on with the web server, and I can't log in to upload the
updated pages. I'll get them up as soon as I can. In the mean time, the
standings updates from Scott should suffice. Also, below I'm listing the
possible scenarios and winners. This information will be available at the web
page as soon as I'm able to log in.
as you were,
HWCI NCAA Final Four Possibilities
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