4/1/97, Issue # 15.6.3 "$20 gets you nothin'"
WRAPUP- Three people decided to test out the $20 idea by submitting two entries- and all three wound up with nothing in return. Maybe $10 is a good idea after all... Jason Selander had the most wins (out of 63) for the second year in a row, netting him $145 in two years and making him the only two-time money winner... Alvin keeps getting close, but no cigar- he finished 5th in 1995, 7th in 1996 and 4th this year... Mike went from 4th last year to last (22nd) this year... Scott HW went from 4th (1995) and 6th (1996) to 13th this year- had Kentucky won in regulation (keeping total points less than 146, he would've finished fourth again)... There have been no changes in points (2/3/4/6/8/12 system) or the entry fee ($10) for all three pools, keeping everything consistent and comparable... Although we would like to keep a status quo, we are looking for ideas to improve the system- it ain't our fault no one picked Arizona to win it all!... Some ideas include:
[1] If 30 or more entries next year, including a fourth place money winner (in keeping with the Final Four theme);
[2] raising the entry fee, although I read in the paper most pools run from $1 to $10, so I guess we are in the Upper Class of Tournament Pools;
[3] reducing first round points to one per win instead of two, but multiplying it by
the seed that wins (i.e., points from 1 for a #1 seed winning to 16 for a 16th-seeded team winning) and ONLY using this method in the first round and keeping the rest of the point system. For this year, MAX would finish fifth, BAD ASS I first, FRODO second, and the FLYING ELVI and JAYBIAN II would be bumped one spot to third and fourth, respectively. COWGIRL IN LOVE, BUCKEYE MIKE, and KARL CHILDERS still finish in the bottom three. Although this is my idea, I don't like it, but it is something to think about; and
[4] Investing some of the pool money next year (or over several years) for a registered NCAA Pool program.
I'm only in favor of [1] and possibly [4], if we get a lot of entries. Really, the only change in the three years has been the addition of the “total points tie-breaker” system in 1996. It's been a very good system developed by the boys of HW-UCLA. If we do get a lot of participants, I'm in favor of diverting some of the money to other categories- such as most points in first round via points by seeding or a bonus for getting all Final Four picks in (money could roll over to next year if no one gets it).
Here is the updated list of career leaders. This is the third straight year the winner's points and average points has declined- suggesting either more upsets are winning or we are picking worse. Over three years, the bottom line is that Alvin is out $40 while Jason is up $125.
(Rankings based on participation in at least two years)
1995 1996 1997 Yr Total Ave. Rank
Nelson 146 1 146 146.00
Joseph Kim 140 1 140 140.00
James Lew 139 1 139 139.00
Jason Selander 144 113 2 257 128.50 1
Fernando Bustamante 148 129 107 3 384 128.00 2
Alvin Kim 1 135 121 111 3 367 122.33 3
Man Vu 133 111 2 244 122.00 4
Scott M Tamashiro 138 127 99 3 364 121.33 5
Andy Fan 126 116 2 242 121.00 6
Brian Selander 130 112 115 3 357 119.00 7
Heather Lee 117 1 117 117.00
David Feng 1 141 106 100 3 347 115.67 8
Mark Catley 130 112 102 3 344 114.67 9
Jeremy "Jay" Santiago 131 105 104 3 340 113.33 10
Sean Dumzer 110 116 2 226 113.00 11
Joe Bernaldo 113 1 113 113.00
David Feng 2 113 1 113 113.00
Jennifer 111 1 111 111.00
Todd Smith 109 1 109 109.00
Mike Bernaldo 130 80 2 210 105.00 12
Meng Heng 104 1 104 104.00
Dennis Kim 1 98 107 2 205 102.50 13
Dennis Kim 2 99 1 99 99.00
Tuan Huang 1 97 1 97 97.00
Tuan Huang 2 97 1 97 97.00
Sylvia Pham 96 1 96 96.00
Donald Goodwin 96 1 96 96.00
Kevin Tamashiro 95 1 95 95.00
Alvin Kim 2 93 1 93 93.00
Duke Fan 90 1 90 90.00
Jane Chong 85 1 85 85.00
Greg Hicks 84 1 84 84.00
Douglas Han 80 1 80 80.00
TOTALS 1567 2221 2203 53 5991 113.04
AVERAGE 130.6 116.9 100.1
MEDIAN 132.0 113.0 99.5
STANDARD DEV. 14.1 15.7 9.9
HIGH/LOW 148/98 144/80 116/80
1995 1996 1997 Yr Total Ave. Rank
Joseph Kim 46 1 46 46.00
James Lew 46 1 46 46.00
Jason Selander 48 42 2 90 45.00 1
Nelson 45 1 45 45.00
Fernando Bustamante 47 46 40 3 133 44.33 2
Man Vu 43 42 2 85 42.50 3
Scott M Tamashiro 46 45 35 3 126 42.00 4t
Alvin Kim 1 44 41 41 3 126 42.00 4t
Brian Selander 43 42 41 3 126 42.00 4t
Andy Fan 42 42 2 84 42.00 4t
Joe Bernaldo 42 1 42 42.00
David Feng 1 46 42 37 3 125 41.67 8
Sean Dumzer 42 40 2 82 41.00 9
Jennifer 41 1 41 41.00
Mark Catley 41 43 38 3 122 40.67 10t
Jeremy "Jay" Santiago 44 40 38 3 122 40.67 10t
David Feng 2 40 1 40 40.00
Dennis Kim 1 39 39 2 78 39.00 12
Todd Smith 39 1 39 39.00
Dennis Kim 2 39 1 39 39.00
Mike Bernaldo 43 33 2 76 38.00 13
Heather Lee 38 1 38 38.00
Tuan Huang 1 38 1 38 38.00
Tuan Huang 2 38 1 38 38.00
Sylvia Pham 37 1 37 37.00
Alvin Kim 2 37 1 37 37.00
Meng Heng 37 1 37 37.00
Duke Fan 36 1 36 36.00
Donald Goodwin 35 1 35 35.00
Kevin Tamashiro 35 1 35 35.00
Greg Hicks 33 1 33 33.00
Jane Chong 33 1 33 33.00
Douglas Han 32 1 32 32.00
TOTALS 521 797 824 53 2142 40.42
AVERAGE PTS 43.4 42.0 37.5
MEDIAN 43.5 42.0 38.0
STANDARD DEV. 2.4 3.7 2.6
HIGH/LOW 47/39 48/32 42/33
1995 1996 1997 Yr Total Ave. Rank Money
Jason Selander 1 3 2 4 2.00 1 $ 145.00
Joseph Kim 2 1 2 2.00 $ 50.00
Nelson 2 1 2 2.00 $ 30.00
James Lew 3 1 3 3.00 $ 30.00
Fernando Bustamante 1 5 7 3 13 4.33 2 $ 70.00
Todd Smith 5 1 5 5.00
Alvin Kim 1 5 7 4 3 16 5.33 3
Brian Selander 8 13 2 3 23 7.67 4t $ 60.00
Scott M Tamashiro 4 6 13 3 23 7.67 4t
Sean Dumzer 15 1 2 16 8.00 6 $ 125.00
Heather Lee 8 1 8 8.00
Dennis Kim 1 12 6 2 18 9.00 7
Meng Heng 9 1 9 9.00
Andy Fan 10 9 2 19 9.50 8
David Feng 1 3 16 11 3 30 10.00 9t $ 20.00
Mark Catley 8 12 10 3 30 10.00 9t
Man Vu 6 14 2 20 10.00 9t
Joe Bernaldo 10 1 10 10.00
Jeremy "Jay" Santiago 7 17 8 3 32 10.67 12
Jennifer 11 1 11 11.00
David Feng 2 11 1 11 11.00
Dennis Kim 2 12 1 12 12.00
Mike Bernaldo 4 22 2 26 13.00 13
Tuan Huang 2 14 1 14 14.00
Tuan Huang 1 15 1 15 15.00
Donald Goodwin 16 1 16 16.00
Kevin Tamashiro 17 1 17 17.00
Alvin Kim 2 18 1 18 18.00
Sylvia Pham 18 1 18 18.00
Douglas Han 19 1 19 19.00
Duke Fan 19 1 19 19.00
Jane Chong 20 1 20 20.00
Greg Hicks 21 1 21 21.00
TOTALS 77 190 253 53 520 9.81 $ 530.00
Note: No tiebreakers for points in 1995, hence Brian and Mark remained tied for 8th place
Until the road to San Antonio next year...
Scott HW
©1995-1997 HWCI Productions