3/11/97, Issue # 1.0.1 "The Return of Hot Wings"
It's that time of year again, when the whether suddenly turns very hot on a day's notice, spring break approaches (or occurs, as in my case), and a little club called "Hot Wings" rises from the ashes to run the annual NCAA Tournament Pool.
Via an email vote among last year's participants, the motion to raise the entry fee from $10 to $20 failed. So once again, for just $10, you can enter the HWCI NCAA Pool and test your predicting skills with others. Of course, you can enter twice ($10 each) and increase your chances of winning. The pot will be divided among 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers.
The deadline for entering is 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, March 13. You can enter manually by just picking the winners from the bracket below, or you can enter by going to:
Just the facts:
WHAT: 3rd Annual HWCI NCAA Tournament Pool
FEE: $10.00 per entry
DEADLINE: 12:01 a.m. PST on Thursday, March 13, 1997
WHO MAY ENTER: Anyone with $10.00 (invite friends!)
You may enter as many as three entries
(per person)
PREVIOUS CHAMPS: Jaybian (Jay), 144 points (1996)
Bix Pix (Fern), 148 points (1995)
POINT VALUES: Per round: (tentative) 2/3/4/6/8/12 points
PRIZES: Dependent on number of entries
Total pot divided approximately 57%/26%/17%
(Last year: [$190 pot] $110/$50/$30)
BRIAN CLASE: If you pick all 32 losers in the first round, you will
get your $10 refunded out of pity
CONTACT: David Feng ([email protected], 562-947-3259)
Scott Tamashiro ([email protected],[email protected],714-522-6729)
Viva la Hot Wing, Scott
©1995-1997 HWCI Productions