Inaugural Quadrennial HWCI UEFA European Championship Soccer Tournament Pool
[HWCI Soccer Pool Icon][HWCI EURO 2012 Pool Logo] HWCI EURO 2012 Pool -
Final Four Possibilities

[ Home|Blog|Team Distribution|Individual Picks|Standings|Possibilities|Results|Brackets ]

If PORTUGAL beats GERMANY in Final…      
Sisyphus 98 points
Flying Elvi 88
Walleye 87
SalsaKing 86 Tie: 4.5 Wins 4th if total goals is 5 or less
Adivinanza 86 Tie: 6.0 Wins 4th if total goals is 6 or more
If GERMANY beats PORTUGAL in Final…      
The Flying Elvi 102 points
Absolutely Clueless 93 Tie: 5.5 Wins 2nd if total goals is 6 or less
BigRedMessi2 93 Tie: 7.0 Wins 2nd if total goals is 7 or more
Sisyphus13 91
If PORTUGAL beats ITALY in Final…      
Sisyphus 89 points
Adivinanza 86
Flying Elvi 79
Walleye 78
If ITALY beats PORTUGAL in Final…      
Adivinanza 100 points
Flying Elvi 79
Walleye 78
SalsaKing 77
If SPAIN beats GERMANY in Final…      
SalsaKing 109 points
Thecomebacker 107
The Mighty Mobelfakta 106
Carseroni 104
If GERMANY beats SPAIN in Final…      
The Flying Elvi 111 points
Absolutely Clueless 102
Sisyphus13 100
BigRedMessi1 97
If SPAIN beats ITALY in Final…        
SalsaKing 100 points
Thecomebacker 98 Tie: 9.0 Wins 2nd if total goals is 11 or less
Russo 98 Tie: 13.5 Wins 2nd if total goals is 12 or more
The Mighty Mobelfakta 97
If ITALY beats SPAIN in Final…        
Adivinanza 100 points
Flying Elvi 88
SalsaKing 86
Thecomebacker 84 Tie: 9.0 Wins 4th if total goals is 11 or less
Russo 84 Tie: 13.5 Wins 4th if total goals is 12 or more

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